Последний пакет американских санкций против российской нефтяной отрасли оставляет неоднозначное впечатление. С одной стороны, они самые масштабные с декабря 2022 года, когда ввели потолок цен на нефть из нашей страны (60 долларов за баррель), а с другой — могло быть и значительно хуже. Такое мнение в беседе с «Российской газетой» высказал профессор Финансового университета при правительстве РФ, глава Фонда национальной энергетической безопасности (ФНЭБ) Константин Симонов.
The main conceptual idea of the text is that the latest American sanctions on the Russian oil industry, while significant, might not be the final blow.
Although the sanctions target both current and future operations through restrictions on oil-servicing companies and projects like "Vostok Oil," the fact that they don't implement a complete embargo on Russian oil purchases, as feared by some, could leave room for further action in the future. The author suggests that the US intends to gradually remove Russia from the global oil market, and these sanctions are a step in that direction.
The article highlights the long-term impact of these sanctions and the potential difficulties Russia might face in overcoming them, particularly in the maritime transport sector due to the large number of vessels affected.
The main conceptual idea of the text is that the latest American sanctions on the Russian oil industry, while significant, might not be the final blow. Although the sanctions target both current and future operations through restrictions on oil-servicing companies and projects like "Vostok Oil," the fact that they don't implement a complete embargo on Russian oil purchases, as feared by some, could leave room for further action in the future. The author suggests that the US intends to gradually remove Russia from the global oil market, and these sanctions are a step in that direction. The article highlights the long-term impact of these sanctions and the potential difficulties Russia might face in overcoming them, particularly in the maritime transport sector due to the large number of vessels affected.